It is oriented towards the meeting of clients requirements end expectations, while observing the legal and normative requirements the offered products and services by the company.
In accordance the above stated politics, here are some strategic quality issues facing the management:
- Continuous research and satisfaction of the customers’ expectations and requirements aiming at offering products and services with the desired quality and corresponding to the applicable requirements.
- Conduction of active and engaged management which shall provide a unification of purposes, management and internal environment, in order to support the permanent compliance to the offered products and services.
- Management of the actions and resources as processes, which shall provide improvement of the financial results.
- Efficient management of the mutually connected processes through rational usage of the equipment potential.
- Providing of constant improvement of the infrastructure and the processes as well of providing and maintaining of a harmless, safe and hygienically proved working environment.
- Satisfaction of the personnel requirement through  estimation of its knowledge and abilities, providing of adequate training for qualifications upkeep and stimulations of the creative activity
- Continuous quality improvement of the products and services offered – permanent goal of the management and the whole personnel of the company.
- Analysis and estimation of data and information concerning the way to make reasonable decisions.
- Setting development and perfection of mutually beneficial relations with suppliers.