Thyssen Krupp GmbH – Germany together with TRANSSTROY VARNA AD
10 November 2008

Application of piling walls for protection against flooding is various. They may perform compacting and stabilizing functions in new dikes, but also are used for strengthening of old dikes. They are particularly suitable where the terrain is scarce as they may be used for erection of separate protection walls against flooding and for stopping the shore erosion. Used in dikes the piling walls perform reinforcing functions for the dike slope from the water side and compacting functions to the slope from the dry land, and prevent dikes soaking and shore erosion. Regarding the flood piling walls completely and in full may replace the dikes, especially where the terrain relations are scarce – in industrial and residential areas. Their construction may be performed from the dry land, but also from the water in bigger water basins. They are very flexible instrument for forming the shore strips and channels, easy to adapt to any preliminary set geometry, comfortably to suit in the landscape and to be aesthetically shaped through painting, lining, grassing. In case of tidal wave flowing over the piling wall, its stability is not impacted if it is correctly dimensioned.
Cost-saving of piling walls is determined on first place of the short time for erection: construction may start after a minimum time of preparation, under suitable soil conditions piles packing is carried out at high rate – speed of packing of several meters per hour is not a problem. Piling walls combine bearing and compacting functions, they are characterized with high degree of preliminary completeness and quality, controlled by the manufacturer. Interesting and unique characteristic of their application is the possibility the piling elements to be easily removed and re-used or recycled in contrast to concrete supporting walls, which always remain where they are casted. This makes them appropriate for temporary solutions, and the technology as a whole may be qualified as environment friendly. For the time of their lifecycle they do not require almost none maintenance. It must not be forgotten that in contract to the piling walls the conventional earth dikes are impacted by each flood, require regular retrofitting and in this regard approach roads on dike horizontal sections, dimensioned for heavy machines.
Methods for packing of piling walls can meet all requirements in connection to the surrounding conditions:
nonresonant vibration, extrusion without stresses, laying in slit excavation, etc. The equipment necessary for this purpose does not require preliminary preparation of special construction site and temporary facilities and this results in wastes decreasing. Some methods for packing are distinguished with high degree of process automation and minimum personnel.